WoodSwallow, entre las pymes andaluzas seleccionadas para el programa de internacionalización ICEX NEXT
The objective of the program is to support the expansion of companies outside the national territory through personalized counseling and financial aid of up to 20,000 euros. WoodSwallow Management Team. From left to right: Manuel Álvarez, Manuel Moreno, María García...

Educación e información (en tiempo real) como herramientas contra el Cambio Climático
By: Manuel Álvarez, founder & CEO of WoodSwallow. It may be that the pandemic has made me feel nostalgic. Or that I have reached an age when I long for those teenage years, but lately, I am missing the good old nineties quite a lot. Those were times when the...

Sistemas embebidos: Particularidades y casos de uso
In this post we will explain, in general terms, what are embedded systems and what their particularities are. In addition, we will name some cases of use and practical applications of these systems. There are currently more than 10,000 million embedded devices...

“Tengo la suerte de poder trabajar en diferentes tareas y productos cada día, lo que hace que cada jornada sea un reto”
We interviewed our colleague Víctor Cubero on World Electronic Technician Day. In the WoodSwallow team we have professionals with different profiles. They are involved in the different phases of design and development of IoT (Internet of Things) products and...

Día Mundial de la Educación Ambiental
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the World Environmental Education Day. A date that is celebrated every January 26 throughout the world in commemoration of the UN Conference on the Environment held in 1972. The objective? Educate society to be aware of and...

WoodSwallow se asocia con enerTIC para el impulso de la eficiencia energética
WoodSwallow ha firmado un acuerdo de colaboración con la plataforma enerTIC. La empresa pasa a ser asociada de la plataforma a partir de enero de 2022. EnerTIC es una plataforma de empresas TIC cuya misión es “contribuir al desarrollo del potencial de transformación...

Despedimos 2021, un año de retos y crecimiento para WoodSwallow
We officially inaugurate our blog by saying goodbye to 2021 and welcoming 2022. It has been a complicated year due to the pandemic context. But also a very important one for WoodSwallow in terms of growth. Throughout this year 15 new people have joined the team. New...

“Andalucía tiene la oportunidad de convertirse en un centro de referencia internacional en gestión inteligente de la energía”
Many young people with technical degrees such as engineering are deciding to leave Andalusia looking for qualified jobs in other regions, even outside Spain, due to the lack of opportunities in Andalusian companies.

WoodSwallow participa en la VIII Feria de Empleo de la Universidad de Sevilla
WoodSwallow participatd with a stand in the VIII Employment Fair. On November 17 and 18 we participated in the VIII Employment Fair of the University of Seville. “It was a great experience to meet young college graduates or seniors. We chatted with them, and they told...

Participamos en el reto eCity Sevilla para fomentar la movilidad sostenible
WoodSwallow participated in the eCity Sevilla Challenge. WoodSwallow joins the fight against climate change promoting sustainable mobility by participating in the II MaaS eCity Sevilla Challenge. The Cartuja Science and Technology Park (PCT Cartuja) launched the...