by WS | Feb 21, 2022 | HARDWARE, NEWS, SOFTWARE
By: Manuel Álvarez, founder & CEO of WoodSwallow. It may be that the pandemic has made me feel nostalgic. Or that I have reached an age when I long for those teenage years, but lately, I am missing the good old nineties quite a lot. Those were times when the...
by WS | Jan 26, 2022 | NEWS
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the World Environmental Education Day. A date that is celebrated every January 26 throughout the world in commemoration of the UN Conference on the Environment held in 1972. The objective? Educate society to be aware of and...
by WS | Jan 10, 2022 | NEWS
WoodSwallow ha firmado un acuerdo de colaboración con la plataforma enerTIC. La empresa pasa a ser asociada de la plataforma a partir de enero de 2022. EnerTIC es una plataforma de empresas TIC cuya misión es “contribuir al desarrollo del potencial de transformación...
by WS | Dec 1, 2021 | NEWS
Manuel Álvarez, founder and CEO in WoodSwallow. WoodSwallow celebrates its fourth year with a team of more than 40 engineers working in Iot product development from Seville Many young people with technical degrees such as engineering are deciding to leave Andalusia....