World Environmental Education Day

by | Jan 26, 2022 | NEWS

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the World Environmental Education Day. A date that is celebrated every January 26 throughout the world in commemoration of the UN Conference on the Environment held in 1972.

The objective? Educate society to be aware of and concerned about the environment. To have knowledge, motivation and commitment to seek solutions to existing problems and prevent new ones.

Since then, numerous steps have been taken in this direction, but not enough. We are facing the great challenge of preserving the planet and its resources. Environmental education is an essential tool to achieve this goal. We must adapt our habits to a new lifestyle that is more respectful with the environment. Of course, this includes our energy consumption.

In fact, saving energy is one of the most ambitious goals in the fight against climate change. For example, the European Union has set an energy efficiency target for 2030 of at least 32.5% (compared to projections of expected energy use in 2030). This 32.5 % target for 2030 translates into final energy consumption of 956 Mtoe and/or primary energy consumption of 1,273 Mtoe in the EU in 2030.

What can we do?

Technology focused on energy efficiency can can become more and more sophisticated. But without environmental education and aware citizens who make use of this technology, we can do little.

For this reason, at WoodSwallow we want to take advantage of this important date to share some resources and tips for energy saving and efficiency that we can apply on a day-to-day basis:

We hope you find these tips useful! Don’t forget it is everyone’s job to stay informed, raise awareness and act responsibly to preserve our planet.

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