We officially inaugurate our blog by saying goodbye to 2021 and welcoming 2022. It has been a complicated year due to the pandemic context. But also a very important one for WoodSwallow in terms of growth. Throughout this year 15 new people have joined the team. New faces that have reinforced the Hardware, Firmware, Indev, HR and Marketing teams. Welcome to all the new Golondrinos!
What’s more, this 2021 we have achieved important milestones that bring us closer to our vision; to be a global tech company that designs and develops embedded systems and IoT products. Special thanks to our clients and partners for the trust placed in us throughout this year!
Highlights of this 2021:
Our teams have grown! As said at the beginning of this post, this year has stood out for the significant growth of our team. Currently we are almost 50 people. Mostly telecommunications and electronics engineers who work on different projects designing, developing, and testing IoT products.
We have once again enjoyed face-to-face events together with other professionals, companies and institutions from both engineering and the energy sector. Events such as the Night of Telecommunications, the Conference on The Future of Companies, organized by the government of Spain, or the Smart Energy Congress organized by enerTIC.

In July we celebrated our 4th anniversary and shared our vision for the future in press articles like this one published in Diario de Sevilla: “Andalucía puede convertirse en un centro de referencia en gestión inteligente de la energía”, or this one from ABC: La empresa sevillana WoodSwallow busca talento para su centro de Internet de las Cosas.
We have joined the eCity Sevilla project, a pioneering initiative of public-private collaboration to develop the Isla de la Cartuja towards an open, digital, decarbonized and sustainable ecosystem in 2025.
We launched our new ‘Jobs‘ page to facilitate access to our job offers. Thank you Juan Luis Pavón for publishing a weekly compilation of job offers in technology companies in Andalusia, such as WoodSwallow! And, speaking of employment, last November we participated at the Job Fair of the University of Seville, where we met many young engineers with great potential.
In addition, we have collaborated in a pilot developing a EV charger in the United Kingdom. We hopefully will be able to share some more info about it next year!
What about 2022?
We are closing a very positive year for WoodSwallow. We have grown slowly, but firmly, creating a solid tech company, based on quality and the good work of the team. Thanks again to our clients and partners who have placed their trust in us. That’s the best recognition we can ever have.
In the coming months, new and exciting projects await us. Stay tunned! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!