The IoT Chair gives two TFM support grants to engineering students

by | May 11, 2023 | WS

  • The scholarships have a financial endowment of 3,500 euros
  • The Final Master’s Degree Projects will be carried out on the basis of topics proposed by the Chair related to the Internet of Things
La Cátedra del IoT otorga dos becas de apoyo a TFM a estudiantes de ingeniería

The Internet of Things Chair, promoted by the University of Seville and WoodSwallow, has awarded grants to engineering students at the University of Seville to carry out final degree or master’s degree projects. These projects will deal with one of the four specific topics proposed by the chair related to IoT and smart energy management.

Students beneficiaries of the grants

These grants for students of engineering degrees or master’s degrees have been announced through the Research Foundation of the University of Seville (FIUS). The call for applications was published on 6 April and the deadline for submitting applications was five calendar days from the day following the publication of the call for applications.

The beneficiaries are Fernando Vega Zájara, student of the Telecommunications Engineering Master’s Degree, taught at the Higher Technical School of Engineering, and Esther María Bravo Salguero, also a student of the Telecommunications Engineering Master’s Degree. Fernando will carry out his TFM based on the theme proposed by the chair: “Development of a process in Python for the management and monitoring of a commercial sensor with Bluetooth connectivity”, while Esther will carry out her TFM based on the theme: “Study and test of the new network technologies for IoT oriented to connected homes: Thread and Matter”.

What do these scholarships consist of?

The scholarships for Final Degree Projects (TFG) and Final Master’s Projects (TFM) of the Internet of Things Chair are aimed at students of any branch of engineering at the University of Seville. With this initiative, the chair seeks to promote research and development in the field of the Internet of Things and intelligent energy management.

In this first edition, two students has been selected among those who have submitted their application within the established period and according to the bases of the call published in FIUS website. These students will be beneficiaries of support scholarships that will have an economic endowment of 3,500 euros for the completion of their TFG or TFM.

Other IoT Chair activities

The IoT Chair carries out different teaching and research activities related to the Internet of Things and intelligent energy management. Among them, training activities, dissemination and events are carried out, as well as research and development activities.

Currently, the chair has an open call for the 2nd edition of the End-of-Degree and Master’s Project Awards. The objective is to reward the best TFG and TFM related to the Internet of Things and energy management. Those students who have a TFG or TFM related to any of these topics, may present it and opt for one of the four prizes that will be awarded in this new 2022/23 call.

The call is addressed to students of any branch of engineering at the University of Seville and applies to projects presented and qualified between October 1, 2022 and September 30, 2023. All the information related to the awards, as well as the process Application form can be found on the chair’s website: Internet of Things Chair (

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